In a message dated 3/23/99 12:56:20 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
<< Why does anyone NEED to paint there truck? My dad has been using it since
93, and his is a contractor, so he is out on job sites. There are countless
paint scratches and such. I like the paint job done now, but the white has
faded so much (b/c he leaves it in the sun) that there isnt a touch up paint
out there that matches this faded white. I dont have the $1000-$1500 to get
the best paint job in town (nor do I want to wait 1 year for them to have an
opening) and I want the outside to look good. What do you suggest as far as
getting something done? If I could, I'd like to stick with this paint job,
b/c its a cool looking 2 tone, but I dont know if I can. My tires are 14" or
16", whatever came on them in 93.
Try this: Do a complete Meguiar's three step treatment and then see what
you've got. It'll hide some of the finer scratches that didn't make it past
the clear coat and give your paint a '"deeper" look. It's alot of work, and
you may want to do one section first to see if you want to try it on the rest
of the truck. I'd do it on the hood first and see if it helps any. Oh, and
your tires are probably 15".
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