I think you should assign weeks. Try to stay chronological and put people
on a concrete list. Tell everyone what number they are on the list, then
say "we will do #20-26 this week" or something like that. Send the
people e-mails as well as an e-mail to the list so everyone knows the
progress and stays updated. I know that if I were #72 on the list, and
you sent out a message via DML that said "numbers 34-40 will be
shipped this week" that would give me a good approximation of how long
I will be waiting. Just a thought =)
-mike d.
>>> "Bridges, Bruce" <bbridges@alarismed.com> 03/26/99 10:18am >>>
since my dancing skills are minimal at best:
1. We have about 100+ people on the various lists (V6, stageI stageII
2. since we have only been able to ship out 14 TBs to date, Id say
from 1 week to 3 months. We are tryin to fix this. we are shooting for a
3week max lead time, but our real jobs have so far made that impossible.
ship the TBs out not necessarily in the order that they were ordered,
-illogically, but in the order that we can make them and that we have the
cores for...
3. You get on the list by privately emailing me. I will send you the info,
and then you can tell me what you want! we are really good with
but shippping ... :^( when I can ship the TB I email you with the
tracking #. Due to our lagging it seems like we never communicate, but
email would consist of a giant void for the past 2 months...The list is
actually a stupid table in word that is not very sortable, Im working on an
Access Data base...
You now know everything that I do... Since I have made date estimates
the past that I was not able to meet, I am no longer in the forward thinking
statement mode until I can get a tangible "feel" for the next shipping
Anyone with any suggestions?? we could use all the help we can get!
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kuzia [ mailto:flyboy01@worldnet.att.net
<mailto:flyboy01@worldnet.att.net> ]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 1999 9:27 PM
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: DML: Attn: Frank and Bruce
You seem to tap dance around the question everytime it is asked, please
us know, we are adults we can handle it.
1. How many people are on you "list"?
2. What is the average time for someone to get a TB from the time it is
3. How does someone get on the "list"?
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