Who cares about other countries, if they allow that kind of garbage its
their own fault. Sounds like CA too. Gee it really stinks for you guys,
you did it all to your selfs so stop whining. Why dont you change your
crazy laws so it stops effecting everyone else.
On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, John Neff wrote:
> Regardless of the reason the gas prices are going up, the fact remains.
> People are bitching about the price of gas. If they think we have it bad, go
> to another country and they will get a real taste of what expensive fuel is
> all about. The fact is, that we have the lowest prices on the planet, while
> having one of the highest incomes per capita. People need to look around and
> see what the rest of the world is paying for gas before they start crying
> about anything.
> I plan on going to which ever gas station I can find with picketers (and you
> know there will be some) and filling my truck to the very top. Then I'm
> going to go home get the other Gas Hog out of the garage, 88 Pontiac Trans
> Am GTA, and filling it up too. I may just get an oil company credit card
> while there and have them charge it too!
> John
> 98 Dakota (Big Blue Gas Hog) CC 4X4 Sport with 5.2L of gas guzzling power
> with Mopar headers attached to a low efficiency automatic transmission
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