>From the Slowpar Performace website.....
'97 Magnum computers. I have a dilema. I had a
'91 Dakota, we know where performance stuff
went with that. Now a '97 Dakota. I see there are
already '98 computers out, but no '97's. Am I
stuck again? Seriously,what is the hold up? Will
they ever be released? I've been waiting for
over 2 yrs. I really don't want to buy a JET
module, but if there is further delay,I will be
forced to. Please give me some encouraging
The 1997 high performance computer has been
held up by the E.P.A. At this time they are telling
us it will be 6 more months before they will
release it.
|{eith R. Phelps
krp at netnitco dot net
Cat..... the other white meat.
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