Re: Are cops above the law ?

From: Robert Trottmann (
Date: Thu Apr 15 1999 - 21:04:54 EDT

In St.Louis, a few years ago, someone will killed on highway 270, which makes a big C
around St.Louis. They were changing a tire on the inside of the turn, part way into
the lane of traffic, and were struck and killed instantly. A few days after that, I
saw the same situation, people changing their tire, part way into the lane of traffic,
1 am, I almost hit them myself. Because I had to get home I called the police, who
were happy to send an officer out, and were very grateful for my call. I had slowed
down from 70 to 60 in a 60, while using my cell phone. After the call, I noticed
something in my rear view. It was a car, so close I couldn't see the headlights. I
floored it to get away from this prick, and took it up to about 80 as I got onto
highway 40. On highway 40, I slow down to about 70 in a 55, and go about my business
of getting home from work. Then this jerk comes up behind me again, I think "what is
this guy's problem?" I floor it again, but before the gear can change.....the cop
turns on his lights!!! Not only did the tailgate me, but he passed the people
changing the tire in the dark, IN A LANE OF TRAFFIC!!! I being the 16 year old in the
232 Ambassador, was just polite, and took it, but that is rediculous! It was the
30th of the month. Can you say "quota?" "I think I'll pass those people about to be
killed, so I can pull this guy for speeding."
Ok I fell better.

Michael Clark wrote:

> Jack, (and others) you will probably like to hear this. On the way to work
> today there was a black caprice with push bumper and spot light that came up
> on me. I wasn't sure if it was a security guard, cop wannabe or what and reading
> the dml post about the offduty ticket I decided to just move over and let him
> go on and tailgate the guy in front of me. Just about that time a real cop
> enters the freeway and he noticed this guy tailgating and cutting people off.
> I look in my mirror and the real cop comes screaming up behind me and flashes
> me over, he passes me and gets up even with the black caprice (by now I'm thinking
> "hit the overheads, come on get him!") Sure enough he pulls in behind him and
> lights him up. I get a big smile and chuckle as he pulls off the road. Cuddos
> to Woodbranch PD for pulling this prick over! They may be a minority but there
> are good officers out there.
> ---Mike, near Houston.---
> '93 V8 4X2
> Houston Area DML Meet Page

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