RE: Open all over

From: SmokinDakota (
Date: Sat May 01 1999 - 20:28:33 EDT

K&N has one called the X-treme. Jim has it on his Flashfire Dakota(in recent
MiniTruckin). It seems to work real well with his ram-air hood.

Steven 2me
AOL Instant Message = SmknDakTrk

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Chad
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 1999 1:31 PM
To: Dakota List
Subject: DML: Open all over

Has anyone seen the open element air filters and housing that are open
the normal 360 deg. but also open on top?

Like the drawing below. everything between the "0" and the outside
around line is open. The shape is however an a circle.
| |
| 0 |
| |

So, anyone used these? Any good?


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