Stone damaged windshield -Reply

From: mike d. (Michael Z-Sykes) (
Date: Sun May 02 1999 - 21:50:16 EDT

Hey Jon,
I just had my windsheil changed. My advice to you is DON'T WAIT.. all it
takes is one rainstorm on a hot day to make that chip into a problem... you
probably already knew that though =).. I made the mistake of waiting and
I had to shell out 100 beans to get a new one put in =(

good luck

-mike d.
Winchester Va.

>>> "Parker, Jon" <> 04/27/99 02:07pm >>>
Got a rock kicked up into my windshield the other day, put a nice "star"
right in front of the driver's seat (isn't that where they always happen?).
I'd rather see if I can have the windshield repaired verses replacing it as
who knows what collateral damage might happen in replacing the entire
windshield. Anyone have any experience with these folks that say they
repair damaged/cracked windshields rather than replace them?

Jon P.

Annandale, VA

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