> Well all you southern plains DML'ers, how a bout a meet? It will be
> preliminarily scheduled for June 4th and 5th. I will call the track tomorrow
> to check rates and so forth, as well as hotels near the track. All who are
> interested should let me know A.S.A.P so I can inform the hotel of an
> approximate number of guests, as well as see about reserving some track
> time. For all you 4x4's, there is a nice trail around here(I think its open
> to trucks) but Ill have to check on that. You can message me privately @
> or contact me through AOL on Instant Messanger SN
> = MrBond711, Im usually on mIRC under ^Blake and through ICQ at 25880435.
> You have no excuse not to contact me if you are interested. Oh yeah, the
> meet will be in Tulsa, Oklahoma. which is in north-eastern oklahoma, about
> 75 minutes from Oklahoma City
> Blake
> '93 LE Silver/White
> 4x2 Auto
> 5.2L 318cu V-8
Have you considered Thunder Valley Speedway in Noble, OK.? It's a little
South of OKC which would be better for me. I don't want to butt in and
change your plans, but I live in Dallas and Tulsa would be a little
farther than I'd like to drive. I can make OKC in about 3 hrs. Anyone
South of here would have a LOOONG drive.
If not, no big thing. Sounds like fun! Alan S.
Alan S.
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