Hey, James Crone

From: RCPL-VAN CNIWR (RCPL-VAN_CNIWR@van.reid-crowther.com)
Date: Mon May 03 1999 - 14:10:30 EDT

     So you're coming up my way, huh? Why all the way up to Vancouver? I'm
     sure there must be something in Cali or at least closer than Vancouver
     to turbo your Subaru. But, if you're looking for rice-rocket
     expertise, Vancouver (and Richmond) have it. I don't think 90% of the
     people in that crowd know what a V8 is. But they sure know how to put
     decals on their cars......LOL! What shop is doing the work? I got an
     idea, if you're up this way, give me a buzz and maybe I could meet up
     with you and shoot the breeze for a bit. When are you coming? Oh,
     just one other question, does it hurt to sh*t money? :o) Just jokin'!
     Chad Niwranski
     99 R/T CC Black/agate
     Abbotsford, BC

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