OpenCase vs.TracLoc Quest.

Date: Tue May 04 1999 - 06:37:35 EDT

Good Morning Folks,

There seems to be a misunderstanding in terminology when referring to
different parts of the rear axle assembly, whether it be an 8 1/4 or 9 1/4.
The outer housing on both axles that has the axle tubes welded to them
are called "the carrier". The internal part that the ring gear is bolted to
is called the "case" whether it is open case or TracLoc. It least, that's
we call them at the factory where they are built.

The 8 1/4 and 9 1/4 open cases are manufactured at Detroit Axle by Daimler/
Chrysler. The TracLoc cases are purchased finished from Dana Corp.
The current part number for the 1999 9 1/4 Dana TracLoc case is: 52068450

To convert a 9 /14 Open Case Axle to a TracLoc requires the differential to be
disassembled and the open case removed. The ring gear has to be bolted to
the new TracLoc case and the differential reassembled. The bearings should be
replaced at this time (particularly the pinion bearing). TracLoc lub has to
added to the axle. There are several preload settings that must be done on
reassembly plus setting the ring and pinion lap or mesh. This requires
tools and experience in building axle assemblies. I would recommend this be
done by a qualified shop.

The TracLoc (Sure-Grip) cases have changed over the years several times.
For a while, Borg Warner manufactured the Sure-Grip cases and the spline
count changed in the middle 90's. They are not interchangeable.
The current part number for the 9 1/4 Dana TracLoc Case is good back to 1994.
The 1993 used a different case. This is not true for the 8 1/4. They have
more often.

David R.
Sterling Heights

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