This is for all those who might use air bags to try and remedy the towing
Shawn Hendrics from the DML has the "helper" air bags on his 1998 318 Dakota.
He says he has a few problems with them. One of the major ones in my opinion
is that it make the rear end "bouncy" on his Dakota which has one more inch
of travel than our R/Ts. Below is his post to the DML.
Just a little more info on the towing problem.
Last time I checked, they didn't have the "Sport-Rite" system for the
Dakota's (This could have changed, my setup is almost a year old). Having
installed the "Ride-Rite" system on my Dakota (5000# capable) I've discovered
some unique advantages and disadvantages with the system. I definitely
recommend some kind of control system on the air-bags. I also recommend
separate electrical connections for the compressor(s). The basic bags with
external fill just seems like too much of a pain if you vary your loads a lot.
If you drive around empty all of the time, then you really don't need the
system for the occasional tow-job. If you're worried about handling, the
minimum amount of air in the bags (10psi) makes for a real bouncy ride and
isn't recommended for good handling trucks unless you start removing leaf
springs so that more weight is on the bags to deaden the "bounce" effect.
Since I ride around loaded most of the time, I don't feel the effect all that
much, only when I'm empty.
As soon as my photos come back from the lab, I'll finish my webpage on the
system and it's installation.
Shaun H.
Thu, 6 May 1999 08:30:00 -0700
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