Just as a test,
Remove the old fluid (turkey baster works great) from the pump. Add brand
new fluid and "bleed" the system. You can do this by turning the wheel
(full rotation) left to right about 5-7 times and holding each stop for
about a second. If it still groans, more than likely the pump is bad.
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Reck <creck@ais.net>
To: Dakota Mailing List <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 8:04 PM
Subject: DML: Need assistance with power steering problem...
> I need some help with this one.
> I have a 99 Sport CC 4x4 3.9L and from day one, noticed a groaning sound
> whenever I turn. I took it to the dealership and they told me that this
> a known problem on the Stratus's but he never heard of the problem on the
> Daks. The fix for the Stratus was to replace the power steering fluid
> one that is more "durable".
> I found out that my truck already has this replacement. It has not fix the
> problem according to the dealer. They submitted the problem to Chrysler
> they are "researching this". I have to now call back to the dealer every
> often to check and see if there is a solution.
> Has anyone else encountered this problem? What was done to fix it? If a
> dealer fixed it, can I use you as a reference to have my problem fixed?
> Thanks!
> Chris
> '99 Dakota Sport + CC 4x4 Amethyst
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