Wow, Chad! Thanks for having the fortitude =o) to share that with us. I
don't know that many would have.
Don't worry about the oil; Valvoline sells a synthetic blend called
DuraBlend. It's a mixture.
Don't be afraid to change your own oil. Keep in touch with your Dak. Know
your Dak.
Richard in SA
On 17 May 1999 08:32:25 -0700 RCPL-VAN CNIWR
<> writes:
> =
> =
> So how hard can an oil change be, right? Well, if there was
>something =
> that could go wrong for me, it did! I've done them before, abeit
>not =
> that much. Yesterday, I thought it was a good day to change the
>oil. I=
> =
> wanted to start using synthetic, and it would cost the same for
>me to =
> do it myself rather than go to a quick lube joint and get dino
>oil. I =
> go to Wal-mart and buy 5 litres of Quaker State Synchron 5W50.
>Had to =
> go Canadian Tire for the filter because all Wal-mart had were
>Fram =
> PH16, and not PH16A filters. Difference? Don't know. So, I also
>just =
> picked up the last June copy of Mopar Muscle with the Dakota
>tips. In =
> there they mention a Purolator P30001 filter. Has more capacity.
>I =
> wish I never read that! I buy the Quaker equivalent: QS8A. It's
>about =
> 1/3 longer, and has the same fitting (actually a Ferd 5.0
>filter). Go =
> home, jack up the front end, drain the oil, no problem. Try to
>twist =
> the filter off. Nope. Back to Wal-mart for a filter wrench.
>Return, =
> filter comes off. Good. Now the fun begins. I attempt to put then
> =
> longer filter on. NOPE!!!! IT DON'T FIT! The mag says that it
>won't =
> work on 4wd Daks, and I found it don't work on 2wd either. Back
>to =
> Wal-mart (with old, oily filter in car), guess what?, CLOSED!!
>DOH! =
> Canadian Tire is closed too. No choice but to resuse the filter.
>I =
> don't like doing this. Dodge says you can go up to 24000 kms on
>one =
> fitler, and this one has 10000 on it, but still.... So I
>reluctantly =
> put the old fiter back on. Now to fill the oil. Simply enough, I
>put =
> in 4.7 liters as Dodge says. I spilled a little bit (no funnel),
>but =
> cleaned it up. My bro says, "You bought their 4x4 oil?" I said,
>"No. =
> They both come in clear bottles. The 4x4 is their synthetic
>blend." He=
> =
> says, " Well that last bottle you put in was 4x4." I look, and
>sure =
> enough, it's 4x4 and 10W30!!! F%&*!!!! Man, am I ever pissed now!
> I =
> can change the filter to a new one easy enough, but now I have a
> =
> of 10W30 synth-blend in with the 5W50 synthetic. I don't want to
> =
> $35 on oil, just pay another $50 to have it done at a lube place.
>So, =
> 2 hours later (!), I have the old filter on it, and mix-matched
>oil. =
> This is the last time I ever be cheap and do it myself. NEVER
>again! =
> I'm going to put a new filter on it (even though some old stuff
>is =
> left in there and is recirculating with the new synthetic), but
>that =
> 10W30 won't harm anything will it? I don't think so, but I would
>like =
> to hear some other opinions on it. Sorry for the length, but I'm
>just =
> so frustrated and had to vent. Thanks.
> =
> =
> Chad Niwranski
> 99 R/T CC Black/agate
> Abbotsford, BC
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