Re: Auto vs 5 Sp perfectly clear

Date: Tue May 18 1999 - 21:46:00 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/99 8:32:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< That hain't cheatin, anybody can get it and it's cheaper than most other
 of equal results :-) Poooooor man's hot rod :-)
  I view it as steroids! =0) And you know what the sporting councils think
of that! =0)
  It gives you the thrill of speed, while you know that you couldnt have won
without a little squirt of juice. Bolting NO2 on isnt the same as bolting on
a cam, or a blower, or a turbo. I parallel that sinario with working out
religiously to get the bod, or doing steroids and only working out twice a
week to get the bod. Anyway, Im babling and tired. I could go on but I
wont, Im sure you get the picture! =0)

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