that's the funniest story yet! Great laff to start the day!
Richard in SA
On Tue, 18 May 1999 19:17:47 -0400 "Mike D." <miggitymike@juno.com>
>oh yeah!! Spankfest 99 is now in full swing!! As the weather gets
>warmer, the people get bolder and Mike D. starts rackin' up the
>spanks! This is a good one. Picture it, sittin' at a light by the
>local MacDonalds when I hear a horrible sound. I look over to find an
>explorer next to me... this puppy was loud. Easily overcomin' my
>Assmaster muffler. He gives it a rev, so I reply with a "come get
>some" rev. The light changes and off we go. As I learn that loud does
>not equal fast, I slowly pull away from him. Then I realize that I
>still had some peddle left, so to the floor it goes. Now I'm just
>leaving..not slowly pullin' away, leaving. This was sad. He was cool
>about it though. I asked him why his grocery-getter was so loud and he
>said "I just cut the muffler off" hehehe... loser =)
>-mike d.
>ooV6 -1 , Explorer sans muffler -0
>88, 6er, LE, 3.55, Slush-o-matic, headers, blowmaster, TekStyle
>Tonneau, and more.
>http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Pit/1133 <or>
> "It's not a 'little V6', it's just cylindrically challenged"
> - ooV6
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