Well, since u fan will be off, why not convert it to electrical fans now?
it's quite easy when the fan is off.
TO GET THE FAN OFF: (experiences from a 97 v6)
put a bar between 2 of the lil bolts on the pully. (that will hold the pully
in place while you try to break the fan loose) second. it REALLY helps if
you have a friend to hold the bar. i think it's a 34 MM wrench into the big
nut behind the fan and fan clutch. turn it COUNTERCLOCKWISE to break it
loose. and pop. the fan comes falling down.
remove the fan shroud by the 4 nuts holding it to the radiator and u have
access to the engine's pullies. the rest is easy.
just for reference. I thought u had to remove the 6 OR 4 nuts on the pully
and that's not the case, it just holds the pully there. HAVE FUN.
<< OK i got my crank pulley and I went to install it today and I just cant
it from down below. First off there is only six nuts correct? What size
socket do I need for these six little bastards? Second I think I am going
take off the fan to get to the crank? How the hell is this done? Could
someone please explain to me like I am 2 years old how to take of the fan?
see about six bolts to take the fan off from the clutch but how do you take
the clutch off? I saw a huge bolt but when put a wrench on that the water
pump pulley just movedand nothing else. How would you keep that from moving
since it is so smooth? Needless to say I need help real bad so could
please explain this to me? >>
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