It's a thin LCD panel. I think it can be adjusted from transparent to
opaque by regulating the voltage to it. Unless stuff has changed recently,
it's not cheap. I remember seeing a 6" x 6" square for somewhere between
$50 & $100. Could be fairly expensive to do a set of side windows.
David Henry '94 CC 4x4 318 5Spd in MI
> Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 10:00:16 -0700
> From: Robert Howe <>
> Subject: Re: DML: WAS: Not My Day NOW: TINT
> This may be really expensive, but don't they make a type of tint changes
> to the electric current going through. Remove the current it reverts to
> clear. I thought that I had heard of this, but I can't remember if it was
> automotive thing, or what.
> - -Robert Howe
> 1995 V6 4x4 5-Speed
> Bone Stock :(
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