WAS:TINT NOW: Clear Lenses

From: SmokinDakota (smokindakota@email.msn.com)
Date: Thu May 27 1999 - 20:51:40 EDT

Trust me those Acuras and Hondas DO get pulled over for the clear rears. My
sister who has a 98 civic had the Clear taillights and on here way home from
work see got pulled over by the CHP. Gave her a fix it ticket for the
taillights, front window tint and basically went over her whole car to see
if there was anything else she could be cited for. And I was the lucky one
to help her out and put back her stock taillights.
On another note, I started the thread about the TINT. I never meant for it
to become a heated debate on the Legality of tinted windows. I just wanted
to know if I could fight the discrepancies on my ticket. There are many
DIFFERENT opinions and trying to convince someone who thinks other than you
is almost impossible. So please lets end the posting on the TINT and start
getting back to DAKS. I am not asking for too much I hope. And by the way, I
did get the tint removed today and went to the local police station to get
it signed off. It will take some getting used to, but is definitely going to
be easier to see at night. IMHO, I think it looks better with the tint on
and will be getting it back on (maybe not as dark), as soon as I get the
ticket in the mail.

Steven 2me
AOL IM = SmknDakTrk

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-dakota-truck@buffnet4.buffnet.net
> [mailto:owner-dakota-truck@buffnet4.buffnet.net]On Behalf Of James
> Harmon
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 1999 5:19 PM
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> Subject: Re: DML: WAS: Not My Day NOW: TINT
> Thanks for an open and clear mind. You (cop) have my full
> support. I have never
> had any problems with the cops because of my truck. it is
> radically modified and
> has a slight tint on the side windows. I was curious about one
> other item. The
> legalities of the clear rear and front lenses. Why do we see so
> many Acuras and
> Hondas with the clear rear lenses, yet never pulled over for fix
> it tickets??? The
> only four Daks i know of with clear rear lenses hae each been
> pulled over 4 times
> minimum. Thankfully they each kept their original lenses. Also
> - what is the
> status of strobes for turn signals in the front and rear?
> Most cops and sheriffs I know like my truck and stop to talk to
> me about it, not
> harass me.
> Jim
> Dakota Flashfire

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