Re: MTX Thunderform...Attn audio freaks like me

Date: Sat May 29 1999 - 09:28:40 EDT

I don't think that's right. I have not owned a stealth box, BUT, my mtx
thunderform with 2 Image Dynamic 10" subs absolutely sound great in there.
You placed a JL W6 inside the thunderform, which has double stacked magnets
and needs more than a cubic foot of space to hit right. the mtx thunderform
has about .65 cubic feet and the magnet structure on the thunder 5000 is 1/3
the size of the W6. but it's car audio and you get what you paid for. you
want SQ? you lose SPL. the thunderform is clean, and it can hit harder
than 2 12" RF my friend has.. it was also cleaner and everything.

<< The material that the Thunderforms is made of is plastic....flexable...the
 Stealthbox is made a hand laid fiberglass, much more ridgid but only with a
 single 8". Because the Thunderform is flexable it tends to muddy the bass,
 but it is a boom box with those two 10 inchers! I had them put two 10" JL's
 in a thunderform and it sounded like crap. The Stealthbox tends to be
 tighter and more accurate bass, it has a dual voice coil 8" with a 6ohm load
 which means you can run it at 3ohm if your amp will let you. It all boils
 down to what kind of music you listen to. I listen to Country and 80s music
 so the Thunderform just didn't play the music like I want to hear it.

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