Re: Seti-ing

From: Ryan T. Grimes (
Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 12:13:09 EDT

>Nate wrote:
>> I am now Seti-ing as a member of team DML!! Whooo
>> Hooo. (I will not be wavered though, I am still
>> running the DML screensaver! :-)
>Since this has become such a hot topic, how about explaining it to us
>computer illiterate people.
>Exactly what the hell is SETI? Alan S.

I am a beta-tester for the Mac version of the SETI client. The current
release is 1.0, but 1.02 is nearing completion and fixes a fair amount of

SETI stands for Search for Extra-Terresterial Intelligence. This
screensaver/application is designed to download raw data off of the
satellite in Puerto Rico(or wherever the heck it is) and process the signal
strength in a certain block of "space". The problem is that the people at
Berkley who set up this totally killer program really got swamped by all
the data transferring and ended up crapping out. This results in a
temporary loss of new blocks to process. In other words there are only 115
or so blocks of info being passed around 500,000 people. If you don't
believe it then look at the date of your block in the SETI application. It
will probably say January 8-9th. The group that's trying to organize this
shin-dig says that they will have the problems corrected in a little bit.

Here is the webpage to get started:
Ryan T. Grimes
Clan Mac Gaming

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