Re: GTech accelerometer was: Leach headers

From: Michael Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 09:05:40 EDT

>>The type of accelerometer in the GTech is a single axis accelerometer.
>(It might be a dual axis if they're also measuring lateral G's, unless
>of course they require you to turn the GTech 90 degrees prior to doing
>lateral accelleration tests

Yep you have to turn it. It is only a single axis meter.

And it is true what you say about it never being exactly level. You can get
it very close though. It will tell you when it is exactly level via a numeric
readout, but when you hit the gas the vehicle will naturally raise the front
end and plant the rear.... but even with that it is not enough to through the
results too far out of wack. The G-tech is a good test to see what effects
your last mods did to your performance. It will give you very close times and
horsepower but they will still be just a bit off. But we're only taking maybe
2 tenths or so....
---Mike, near Houston.---
        '93 V8 4X2
Houston Area DML Meet Page

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