Dakota Sport question

From: Joseph DaVolio (DavolJ@olympus.com)
Date: Tue Jul 06 1999 - 10:44:57 EDT

I was waxing my DAK this weekend and I noticed something strange. On the passenger door, right after the window, from the top of the window frame to the bottom, the sheet-metal is black. The rest of my DAK is Amethyst(purple). The drivers's door has the body color on this area. I had an appointment for service today, so I mentioned it to my Service Manager. He told me that this was a decal, and it should have it on the extended cab part as well as the driver's side. This is part of the Sport package. Is this true? Does anyone else have this black decal on their DAK Sport? It is supposed to carry the black glass look from the Club Cab glass to the door glass. He told me he would order the other 3 decals. I told him to take off the one that was there. I like the body color look better than this decal. ALWAYS SOMETHING. QUALITY!!!! is job zero at DC !!!!!


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