Brakes Fixed!

From: Ben Vaughan (
Date: Fri Jul 09 1999 - 13:58:29 EDT

I just got back from the shop and my brakes now work great. The shop
charged me $35 for new brake pads and turning the rotors and $30 for labor.
Oh well, small price to pay for brakes that work! Good thing I got them
replaced because no more than 5 minutes after I left the shop, an idiot in a
chebby cavalier decides to slam on their brakes in front of me and I was
able to stop without hitting them (had I not had new brakes, I would have
creamed her).

Ben Vaughan
AOL: AttackDak
ICQ: 558772
Therapy is expensive. Popping that bubble wrap stuff is cheap. You choose.

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