Re: Life of a water pump?

Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 12:57:10 EDT

Answers: (OK, Opinions)

1. Unfortunatley if you smell A/F in the cab its more likely a heater core
leak. Otherwise, the water pump can leak without dripping on the ground (if
the leak is small and the truck is hot the A/F will evaporate. There is a
small hole in the bottom of the water pump neck behind the pulley (get under
the truck). If the front seal is blown/leaking, this is where you will see
evidence of leakage (i.e. rust colored residue, water stains, or A/F).

2. Mine went at 60k miles.

3. Requires some mechanical aptitude, no harder than any other traditional
V8. Need a BIG wrench to get the fan off. Bypass hose is a bitch if it
needs replacing. Also, I don't know what you new (gen III) guys are going to
have to do for the pressed on pulley?

Richard Lewis, Houston TX
92 LE CC, 318, Auto

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