Mine started popping this morning, it scared the piss
out of me, it was LOUD! I talked to the service
manager this afternoon, he said they have seen a few
daks with the same problem, and tightened or replaced
the cab folts and it was fixed, im bringin her in next
week, so we'll see. Lemme know if you have any luck
gettin yours taken care of.
Jack Yates
'99 Black CC R/T
--- Marie Pimental <pimental@massed.net> wrote:
> To all on the DML. I just returned from the dealer
> and had the cab bolts
> replaced under warranty. They said that they did not
> hear any noise coming
> from the rear but did replace the bolts anyway. This
> was my second time
> complaining about it. The first time they replaced
> the steering shaft. But
> the noise is still there! I don't know, but to me
> these guys must be deaf!
> Can someone tell me if they had any luck with this
> problem or give me some
> advice on this matter. This noise is really getting
> to me now after almost a
> year of complaning.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Wayne
> 98 RT CC BLK
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