Contact Me!! RE: F&B TB

Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 23:37:17 EDT

In a message dated 8/5/99 8:18:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I will save you a bowl of that chili!
If we get down to TX we'll take you up on it! Thanks for the good words!

On my Darker side...
Despite the good words people have to say it doesnt make my angst dissapear
for taking so long to get this thing done... And Im sure you'll believe me
when I say that I am not the most organized person around... Sooo... If you
have not been contacted, spoken to, emailed or otherwise placated by me for
your TB desires (no matter how old) Please email me @:
The stage II list especially!! Try to be nice?
 V6ers... I believe in the cause! I have not been following the thread on V6
TBs lately due to my lack of time... BUT Email me @ and
we will continue/begin the process... for special runs I cant gaurantee any
lead time (yet)...
Was there a list already started??
Also, Wasnt Tony doing V6 TBs as well??? Why not Tony's V6 TB?? Help me out
Confusedly and shamedly..


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