Check out this website:,3,0-21-1024-x-1,00.html?
It has lotsa good reviews on digital cameras. The Olympus D-340R seems to
be the best camera for the money under $500 - you can get it for less than
$300 online or when CompUSA has their sales. For more expensive cameras,
the Kodak DC260 is hard to beat, and I think Nikon rules the roost right now
with their CoolPix 950.
We have a Sony Mavica 9?? at work. It's a $900 camera and is convenient and
easy-to-use with 3.5" standard floppy disk and makes little 1-minute movies,
but the quality is only so-so (check it out at ). I wanted to get the DC260,
but our regional computer equipment purchaser thought the floppy disk camera
would be more convenient for everyone to use :(
One other option (if you have a camcorder) is to get a TV card for your
computer (cost $80). The quality isn't very good, but probably better than
the $100 digital cameras, especially if you have a Hi-8 camcorder. Plus,
you get to watch TV on your computer - really COOL! That's what I used for
webpix before we got the digicam at work.
'92 Dak CC 2wd 318 3.55
'84 GoldWing Interstate
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