Congrats DML'ers - Gene, Mike, Bernd, Jim and all!!
GS -
> The DML won the 1st place trophy for club participation at the 10th Annual
> Houston Mopar Show and Race. That has got to be a first for the DML!
> A big slice of pie to all those that participated, we will be planning and
> looking forward to another great event next year.
> Mike Clark picked up some money for his efforts in the truck class bracket
> race on Saturday and Ron Merx did place in late model street truck. Bernd
> missed the judging. Had he let the judges take a look at his truck, I am
> sure he could have picked up a trophy too! I think we will see more of Bernd
> at the race track in the future.
> This year was not my year as I suffered a 2nd round loss to DML'er Jim
> Vaught in his 99 CC DA R/T. We both were running the same dial, but when I
> left the tree (.519) I suffered from the dreaded Dak wheel hop. That's all
> it took, and Jim claimed the win light and sent me to the pits.
> Sunday was even worse as I broke out of my dial in the first round. At least
> I finally got to sit in the stands an watch the racing for a change!
> We couldn't really organize a good group picture this year as the racing
> schedule was pretty tight, but Mike Clark and Bernd did get some pics and I
> am sure they will be posting them soon.
> Buy of the event........Nitrous Works kit for a Dakota, $450 w/ a filled
> 10lb bottle. Jim bought one, and we attempted an installation Sat night at
> my house, but we were pretty tired and had been enjoying some refreshments.
> So we called it a night. If you are in San Antonio, beware of a DA CC R/T
> with a Nitrous Express license plate frame!
> Once again, thanks to all that attended...........even Roderick Vaughn drove
> in from Louisiana, in a rent car for Sat, since his 4x4 Dak was in the body
> shop. Now that is dedication! I hope too see even more of you at our next
> TEXAS event!
> And remember,"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
> Gene & Renee Rivers
> 99 R/T, CC, DA
> 95 SLT, RC, CR
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