Tool Boxes.....

Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 20:50:42 EDT

Well I need some advice help here. After having my Contico tool box for about
5 years, it has started to crack, and crack alot. Of course I only paid $99
for it a Wal-Mart, so I really can't complain. Does anyone know of the number
or know how I can get a phone number to Contico to talk with a customer
service rep???? I remember the box came with a warranty(not sure how long
though) and also was warrantied against sagging. I do carry just about
everything/anything in the box from tools, to fluids, to recovery equipment,
chains, bolts, and tons more. I cannot even slide it on concrete without
another person helping me. First, I am going to see if Wal-Mart can help me
out at all(free replacement???) or if Contico can. If not, I NEED a new box.
I am contemplating even getting rid of this kind of tool box(sits on the bed
rail, gullwing type) and buying a chest, the kind that does not sit on the
bed rails. But I am worried about having access restrictions to the opening
handles/key lock holes since a chest sits down into the bed more. Cost is
another problem, as I do not want to spend alot. If It comes down to it, I
will just pay $100 for a new Contico, since it did hold up rather well. Any
input is welcome.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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