Re: fuel pump ponderings

From: Eric Kurtz (
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 07:58:33 EDT

  Just put an inline pressure regulator on your fuel line. You can
adjust the pressure with it from there.

"Pedro J. Diaz" wrote:
> I've consistently noticed that when I fill my gas tank after it is
> nearly empty, I feel a significant increase in throttle response. So
> much so, that I notice it without even looking for it. It stands to
> reason that the cause for this is that the added pressure exerted from
> the column of gas above it gives the in-tank fuel pump in our daks a
> nice boost. Seems like our OEM pumps have room for improvement.
> My peculiar pondering is: is there any way to increase fuel delivery,
> i.e. a secondary pump, larger diameter fuel lines, or whatever? It
> feels like it might be worth the effort.
> ponderin' pedro.

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