I pass the same way, and it cost me a 73 in a 55 ticket that I just lost in
court on Tues. $180 and 4 points, puts me at 12 points!!!!! The prick of a
cop wouldn't amend it because " If you lived in town I'd do something for
you but you don't so I won't" WTF!!!!!!!
Needless to say I was buying a house in town but not anymore, I'll move to
Millstone instead!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul A. Streubel <pamawi@webtv.net>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 9:04 PM
Subject: RE: DML: My first Spank!!! wooo hooo
I am not all into street, after all itis illeagal. (cough) How about
this: Getting a ticket for passing too fast! 87MPH in 55MPH . The
ticket reads like I was cruizing down the highway at 87. All I do when
I pass is kick it in the ass and pass. I dont check my speed until Im
back in the right lane. How do you fellow Dakrunners pass? 96 5.2
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