Yesterday at Cecil I had my first opportunity to go head to head with a
Typhoon down the track.
Earlier in the lanes he mentioned it was stock. I thought he might have a
slight advantage over me. Well, it turned out we got to run each other. My
14.302 beat the Typhoon's 14.285 across the finish line by virtue of my .418
advantage on the starting line. Margin of victory was .401. Chalk one up for
the Dakotas!
Shane Baker
> n a message dated 10/16/99 7:57:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Drag racers,
> I got the following message through the DragTruk web site and
> told the guy I'd pass it on to the list. :-) Does anyone live
> near Xenia, OH who can show this guy what a Dodge can do? :-)
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