Re: dakota body lift

From: Dave Scelfo (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 17:38:54 EDT

I want 33's not 35's should i go only with a 2 body lift.
>Also when i purchased the truck there was severe rubbing with the tire and
>as i can go maybe 32 but i dont want a set of cut tires. Plus i dont want
>look likea dork with a 3 bodylift and 33 when 35 should be there.

     Custom wheels will solve this problem. Just order them with less
backspacing (say 2"). Its a little tougher on your wheel bearings but it
looks so damned cool with the tires stickin out. If you need a
recommendation for a wheel builder I know a great one. It might cost a
slight more that these AR767s that seem to be the rage on this list.... and
I think you get your choice of spoke or modular.
     I really havent gotten a close look at anything on the Dak yet (still
waiting) but if its a compression shackle in the rear, the easiest way to
gain some lift is with a longer shackle. I think I remember reading that
the lowered guys on the list have longer shackles, which makes me think its
a tension shackle.... I'll stop my babbling here. Maybe I atleast helped
with the wheel thing.


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