Re: Throttle Bodies - help

From: Neal Arita (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 14:02:52 EDT

>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:23:35 -0700
>From: "John Mautz" < <> >
>Subject: DML: RE: Throttle Bodies - help

<SNIP> Just curious... Why aren't you considering the QuickD TB?? I
put one on my<SNIP>

Thanks John - To answer your question: I am considering Quick D also and
have some info. already.
Because I'm waaay out here in Hawaii, I would like to keep my original
TB as a spare. I thought I
read somewhere that F&B doesn't require the core back (?).
- Maybe I'm just a "pack-rat" at heart - it's hard giving up some
I have another question, though: does the TB mod actually get better
mileage? or does the "lead-foot"
factor over-ride the improvements in milege?

Thank you

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