First Drag strip test for the 4.7L!!!!!!!

Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 09:09:29 EDT

Hey, We had pretty good turn out at the Mopar Show at Virginia Motorsports
Park Saturday.
Only 4 Dakotas showed up, No DML'rs other than me. So anyway I had to see
what my new 2000 RC Sport Plus 2wd 4.7L 3.92 posi 5 spd. would do!! It was
very windy, atleast a 20 mph head wind! also it was about 55 degrees and
very dry! So off I go to the staging line, my truck is all stock with 1100
miles on it, didn't even let any air out of the tires! I launched the truck
just above idle, my first run posted a 15.134 @ 89.23 mph and 60' times at
2.195!! I was very happy with that!!
next runs went like this 15.149, 15.181, 15.180, and a 15.390 with lots of
wheel hop/spin!
Pretty damn consistent for a 5 speed, I was very pleased with the results
especially with a 20 mph head wind, no wind and I'm close to a 14.99!! So
now I have a baseline and next I will put spring clamps and traction bars, 3
inch exhaust, also air intake modifications and either slicks or let some
air out of the stock tires. Anyway, I think with a little tweaking and very
little money spent, I'm most definitely in the 14.4 to 14.7 range!! YEEE

HAIL TO THE 4.7L, she is a screamer!!! Also, the rumor about the 4.7L and
no throttle cable is not true for the Dakota, My truck has a throttle cable
on it!!! DC must have changed their minds!

Matt Barret

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