RE: Trailmaster lift & wheel order progress report

From: A. S. (
Date: Wed Oct 27 1999 - 10:36:22 EDT

I have a Grizzly (oval style) on mine. Mine is not a wrap around. It bolts
to the frame, but the grill guard itself is bolted together. I wouldn't
trust it to mount a winch to and pull on it that often, unless you went
ahead and welded it together. I was able to fit 2 6x9 offroad lights in it
though. I'm very pleased with mine. Let me know if you want to see pics.
95 DSRC 4x4 V6.

>Subject: RE: DML: Trailmaster lift & wheel order progress report
>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:52:57 -0400
>Dave & Kyle,
>I notice you both have Brush/Grill guards on your Daks.
>What Brand do you each have, and how did it install?
>I'm looking for one for my '95 4x4, but so far the only ones I've seen look
>like they are made of tin foil! I need one to mount a winch and some Aux.
>lights. I'm almost to the point of just ordering a custom, heavy duty
>aftermarket front bumper. But that is $$$'s
>Do you guys have the wrap around type or is it more of a push bar type ?
>Any info. will be appreciated!
>(Dave - lots of pictures of that install on the lift kit!)
>'95 SLT 4x4 CC 318 4spd/OD - 3.55 LSD
>MSD 6AL - MSD Blaster Coil
>MSD 8.5 wires - K&N FIPK - F&B Stage I TBI

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