At 10:36 AM 10/30/99 , you wrote:
>Cicumstantial evidence is not a good stance to take in court.
Not so. Fingerprints are circumstantial evidence and are some of the
strongest evidence you can have. In many ways circumstantial evidence is
better than direct evidence. But apart from that, we're talking about a
small claims case here. The burden of proof is not "beyond a reasonable
doubt". The judge is only going to consider which is more likely to be
true. Now, which do you think is MORE LIKELY...that the girl keyed the
truck as she left mad, or that some random vandal just happened to pick
that particular time span to pick his truck to key? He knows she keyed his
truck, everybody on the DML knows she keyed his truck and the judge will too.
Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the
only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder
in school so I could converse with those people."
--J. Danforth Quayle
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