Yep, did the whole lemon law thing. What a disappointment that is. That law
is a joke! But I did get the 100,000 mile warranty for free. The catch is,
there is a $100 deductable on it.
>From: "Bernd D. Ratsch" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: DML: RE: ..And More Ping Questions.
>Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 09:55:46 -0600
>Well, so much for the rest of the ideas....have you considered the "Lemon
>Law" yet?
>You can, however, try one step colder on the plugs to see if that
>helps...but from the sounds of it, it may not even be of any help.
>(Switching to the colder plugs would only be a temporary fix anyway.)
>And you don't want a Toyota...when I was looking at the T-100 as an
>alternative to the Chevy and Dodge, I pressed in on the drivers-side (and
>passenger-side) and found that you could easily dent the door with two
>fingers. Not impressed with the sheet metal design. (Don't recycle
>aluminum...we don't need any more Toyota's in this world.) ;)
>- Bernd
>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: Re: DML: RE: ..And More Ping Questions.
>The dealership has rerouted ignition wires,replaced cruise clip and
>ignition cable, performed combustion chamber cleaning I don't know how many
>times on a vehicle with less then 15,000 miles on it, replaced my intake
>gasket, then replaced my intake manifold and gasket(my intake manifold had
>crack in it), replaced computer, replaced a crankshaft sensor? and somthing
>with the fuel pump, replaced my torque converter and so far lastly they
>replaced my Cat.
>I've tried different octanes of gas, pings worse on lower octane.
>I should have bought a Toyota!
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