Re: IAT Sensor Mod

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 11:03:48 EST

It's easy.

(1) Remove the IAT sensor from your intake manifold (Brass Thing on the
passenger-side front of the intake manifold)
(2) Install a 1/4 Pipe Plug in the hole (Can be found at any Auto Parts

** For Testing Purposes **
Strap the IAT sensor to one of the lines around it with a ZIP-Tie. (Be
careful not to break the plastic around the thermo-resistor on the sensor.)

(3) Drill/Cut a hole in the intake tube and mount the IAT sensor into the
hole. (Start with a smaller hole and size to fit.) Use some Black RTV to
seal the edges...and to help hold it in place.
(4) Reset your computer and drive it for about 40 miles to allow the
computer to adjust to the new settings.



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Greig, Doug
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 8:29 AM
Subject: DML: IAT Sensor Mod

  Hey Everybody!

  I've heard a lot of people talk about moving their IAT sensor on their
trucks and the performance gains they've seen. What is this? Is their a
location that I can read about this and do it myself? I know the basics
of engines and I work as an electrical technician, so I'm pretty sure I
can handle this.

 Wait, it may have just come to me. Does IAT stand for INTAKE AIR

  -Doug Greig
   Pulling My Head Out Of my Fourth Point Of Contact

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