'96 Trans. DOA

Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 15:29:21 EST

Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 20:18:18
From: "paul marglin" <duster451@hotmail.com>
        DML: '96 Trans. DOA

My 96 5.2L Sport's trans. seems to have
        a problem. I think it went south. It
had developed a problem
        with not up shifting from second to third at WOT.
The problem
        got worse and worse. I almost have to take my foot off the
throttle to get it to up shift. Checked the usual suspects,
        TV cable and
fluid level everything was in good shape. Now
        this morning it didn't seem to
want to go into reverse and
        when it did, it seemed to be loaded. IF worse
comes to worse
        do any of you fine folks know where I can find a trans. for a
reasonable price? I'll tear into mine and see how bad it

Paul W. Marglin

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Are you sure the TV cable is adjusted properly.. If it is too tight, it =
won't allow that shift. Check the filter also and make sure it isn't =

Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 20:18:18 PST
From: "paul marglin" <duster451@hotmail.com>
Subject: DML: '96 Trans. DOA

My 96 5.2L Sport's trans. seems to have a problem. I think it went south. =
had developed a problem with not up shifting from second to third at =
The problem got worse and worse. I almost have to take my foot off the=20
throttle to get it to up shift. Checked the usual suspects, TV cable =
fluid level everything was in good shape. Now this morning it didn't seem =
want to go into reverse and when it did, it seemed to be loaded. IF =
comes to worse do any of you fine folks know where I can find a trans. for =
reasonable price? I'll tear into mine and see how bad it looks.

Paul W. Marglin

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