Re: lowering question -- price for kit -- ??

From: Michael Sykes (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 14:44:37 EST

>>> i only have a 2-3 drop
and it's not a mushy ride. It's much harsher than stock, and every bump
seems to make the CD player skip (well, not EVERY bump, just those big ones
:) <<<

are you on stock shocks Dester? ouch =)
The dropped shocks really make a big difference (especially the Doetsch Tech's that came with mine). My CD's almost never skip... 'cept the new 311 CD, that thing skips if I move in the seat funny...

-mike d.

88 6er with Slush-o-matic and 3.55 one-legged rear,
lowered, modded, and painted =)

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