Re: Strange codes = bad computer?

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 04:58:21 EST

> I have noticed something strange gong on with my 94 Dak Sport V6. The
> last few times I have read the Check Engine codes, it has flashed the "12"
> code. This is the code for powere (battery)interuption within the last 50
> key cycles. I know for a fact the battery has nopt been disconnected. Is
> the computer really losing backup power for some other reason? Or is it
> giving me a faulty code? It is worthwhile to note that I have gotten
> intermittent check engine lights, before it was for the O2 sensor which I
> just replaced, tonight I got one for the EGR I think (code 32). On both
> these occasions, the light has not come on agian after the truck has been
> shut off and restarted. This seems to me to suggest the computer might
> really be losing backup power. Why else would the code be there, then
> gone when I shut it off? Has anyone else experienced this?

Just for input here, I replaced my O2 Sensor this summer, it was never
changed and had about 100,000 miles on it. It was nasty to say the least.
Also, I got a Code 32(EGR Valve), so I pulled the EGR vavle off my Dak and
it appears that there is an electrical connector coming off the EGR Valve.
Within this connector one of the prongs had broken off, causing a fault code
to appear. The valve was not cheap, at $80(came with a new gasket). Might
want to try replacing your o2 sensor and looking at the EGR valve before
thinking the puter is bad.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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