Re: RE: What is That?

Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 12:19:46 EST

In a message dated 12/27/1999 5:09:29 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

<< Oh, that's a classic!! My wife had a similar experience. She was in our new
 Intrepid, and some punk in a lowered rice-burner-someting or other came up
 next to her and started revving his engine. So my wife joined in, but she
 also noticed the cop sitting on the other side of the street. Light turns
 green, and the guy floors it, smokes the tires and flies through the
 intersection. My wife lets off the gas, the cop pulls a 180 and nails the
 guy half way down the street!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Justice prevails! :-)
 Jon W. >>

Been there done that too. guy in a lowered honda and me in my crew cab

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