At 02:48 PM 12/28/99 , you wrote:
>Assuming time meant nothing to me.... how long would it take me and what
>kinda tools would be required to polish my own wheels (3 spoke viper
>wheels). It doesnt seem like it'd be THAT hard but maybe I've been
>hitting the crack pipe a little too often.
Without knowing what kind of shape the wheels are in it's hard to give
specific help. If there are deep scratches and you need some serious metal
removed to make them smooth you will probably be best off to take them to a
professional shop to be done. On the other hand, if they are just dull,
even if they're VERY dull, get yourself a jar of Mother's Mag and Aluminum
Polish and a supply of clean rags and start polishing. Mother's (which you
should be able to find at any auto store, truck stop of maybe even
Wal-Mart) is amazing stuff. It will polish even the dullest aluminum to
where you can practically see yourself in it. Highly recommended.
Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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have experienced pain and bought jewelry."-Rita Rudner
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