I think he's talking about paint sealant (kinda' like really hi-po wax), but
even that should be re-applied periodically depending on climate etc. No paint
NEEDS to be waxed. It'll just last longer and look nicer if you do. Most people
are too lazy to do it though.
Ryan K
'99 R/T RC
Frank Johnson wrote:
> My sales guy said pretty much the same thing, i tend to believe him since my
> family has bought 5 or 6 vehicles through him at the various dealerships
> that he has worked at.
> Frank WJ
> >Seeing as we are on this subject, this seems a good a time as any to pose
> >this question....When I bought my truck, one of the other sales guys said
> >something about the paint being a new kind of paint that did not need to be
> >waxed....Is this true, or is the guy just tryin to pump the truck up more?
> >Anyway, let me know if any of you have heard this as well, or what the deal
> >is.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Currie
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