I think it was highway 99? that i took to get to Whistler. There was this
one right hander (180 degree switchback) that was like 10 km/h and i was
standing on the brakes in the crappy Neon i was driving. Then another time
i was about to cross this small wooden bridge and had to screech to a halt
when i realized that both me and that dump truck headed toward me were not
going to fit onto the very narrow space. My friend didn't appreciate being
woken up like that. :)
I'd really love to go back in a decent sports car though, maybe pay the
provincial department of transport to close it?? hehe
That road is begging to be raced, especially with no lane markers or lines
Frank WJ
you would swear they just followed a drunken donkey and laid asphalt.
>decreasing radius corners in both directions? only in b.c..
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