In a message dated 01/11/2000 11:26:17 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
<< And we can do the same mods to the R/T and add back any HP gains that the
4.7L got from those same mods... which would keep the R/T far ahead of the
Well what if mod for mod the 4.7 out paces the 360. lets say headers give
us 15 hp. now were at your stock 250 say headers give the rt 7 hp. and we get
17 from a air filter. you only get 3 so now the 4.7 is ahead in hp. even if
you take 2 identical motors one will make a little more power than the other.
mod for mod its possible for the 4.7 to make more Hp than the 360. now
unless we have a dyno and we go and take 2 identical trucks powered by a 4.7
and a 360 respectively and add the same mods one motor could accept those
mods better and make more power than the other. as for which one will make
more power i dont know. i would assume the 4.7 is ready to make more power
because i see the choked up exhaust ( 3 cats come on thats ridiculous) and
the stupid air box. im gonna try to gewt a home made ram air kit in there to
see if it improves the quickness or speed
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