Maybe I've just been on here too long and figgure 1/2 the people either
delete my posts or know of my nature, your ident doesn't look familiar to
me. Please excuse my harsh reply, been layin outside in the @*&@ trying to
adjust the tranny bands w/o the right tools..
Jon Smith----Raleigh, NC---
'95 4x4 318 auto CC
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Mud and Headers
> I'm not being pissy, I'm trying to be helpful. And no Jon, I didn't do
> to my engine. DUH!!! But there may be some out there who didn't pick up on
> your sarcasm. I'm so sorry for trying to clear the matter up for those
> don't know any better. Yes, Frank picked up on it...but he, you, I, and
> of us know better. I'm just trying to watch out for the "stupid" people
> there, as Frank would put it. I just meant well, I didn't mean to make
> all defensive. I apologize if it seemed like I was "pissy". -Mike
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