Re: Re: Gasket sor RTV???

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 23:19:13 EST

> Kyle, go w/ the RTV, no question about it. I've had 1 tube last me
> 4-5 diff covers easy. Put it on w/ about an 1/8" bead and let it set
> 15min then put it on... it won't leak a drop.
> make sure to clean the mating surfaces real good, I usually burn up
about 2
> cans of brake cleaner with a diff. fluid change.

Thanks Jon, I just went out today and bought a fresh can of the good ole' PB
Blaster Penetrant, and have my Amsoil on order(should be in this week) and
also got a tube then of Permatex Ultra Black RTV, just in case. I will go
out tomorrow a get 2 can though of brake cleaner. Question though, since I
have always just used a fluid pump to get the fluid out, and of course this
time I am taking the diff covers off; I have heard alot of using brake
cleaner when doing fluid changes with the diff covers off. Do you just hose
down the gears, diff covers, etc with the brake cleaner to really really get
the surfaces clean? I know it air dries and all, just was curious where all
you spray it at? Thanks for the input Jon, I appreciate it.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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