Re: Laughing gas legends (was back in black)

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 11:11:02 EST

Before: Had it close to the airhat (about 4-5 inches). It was "fogging"
nicely, but the nozzle kept turning itself upwards and the fuel would drip
down the tube.

After: Moved it back about 6 inches from the airhat and put a nut on the
inside of the nozzle (with Lok-Tite blue) to keep it from turning. Aimed
it slightly down instead of a straight shot and no more fuel puddles.

It's annoying...I know. I was having a really bad fuel smell in the cab if
you remember our emails.

- Bernd

At 10:01 AM 02/01/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>where did you have the fogger before and after?
>Joe W.

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